random thoughts of a semi-insane albeit charming little girl...

Monday, August 15

what if?!

What if the "burning bush" Moses saw was a burning marijuana plant? That's why he heard God. That's why when he threw his staff to the ground, it became a snake. When he picked it up it became a staff again. He made water into blood. I guess he was high then.When he went to the pharaoh to show this he said, "I'll make this staff into a serpent. But first, you need to smoke this."

hahahaha... what if nga kaya noh?!
anyway, the weekend went uber-fine. we finally went to market market and i loved it! shopping shopping shopping!!! :D also, i've found cheap fresh greenies for whenever i want a salad. i've watched charlie and the chocolate factory and it made me feel like a kid again! it was like when i watched a series of unfortunate events. it's nice when you've read the book too, and you compare that with the adaptation. i love charlie! he is sooo cute! i wish i was a kid again so that it's ok for me to obsess about this crush, hahaha!


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