random thoughts of a semi-insane albeit charming little girl...

Tuesday, July 6


stole this from mon's blog. aheheh. sooooo nice... *sigh*

what people ask most to the men who propose is that if they're really sure, or how do they know she's the one. i went to this wedding yesterday, a friend's sister's, and i think the groom said it best. mai and veej were married yesterday in st. james in alabang. at the reception, wonderful ceremony and food by the by (and pretty guests too ), veej made his speech. i will try my best to restate his wonderful thoughts.

when i proposed to mai, i was frequently asked these three questions: are you sure?, how do you know? and are you nervous?. i answer the first two questions with this.
you can never be too sure or too certain about marrying someone. but you can always have faith, and i think some things are best left to faith. faith in that you made the right choice. faith in that things will last forever. and maybe even longer. but most of all, there should be faith in the person you married. she is there, just as unsure as you, but just as faithful. have faith in love uniting two souls.
for the third question, my answer is no, i haven't been nervous for the past six months (of the engagement). while it is true that this is the hardest and scariest decision a guy can make, it should very well be the easiest also. knowing that i love her is reason enough to commit my life to her.

it was just so sweet and sincere. damn smooth pare.


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