random thoughts of a semi-insane albeit charming little girl...

Thursday, October 14

im more inggit...

i overheard jsan saying that he did the same thing with his girlfriend, un nga lang, surprise party naman sa resto or something like that.
seryosohan na daw to.
cant imagine si jsan... pero, maybe guys need to reach a certain age or a certain level of maturity for this to happen? i mean, considering that they're past that honeymoon stage (kasi naman, pagbago pa, it's a given naman na talaga...) imagine, up until you're together for years, he still manages to surprise you simply because he loves you and wants you to be happy...
one good thing though. at least im not cynical. im not bitter.
i know that my time will come den... :D
soon i hope.
i know that someday my prince will come :D
now let me just find those seven dwarfs...

nga pala,got more sex and the city stuff for you...
"it is a common belief that a relationship without pain is not worth having. to some, pain implies growth, but how do we know when the growing pains stop and the pain-pains take over? are we masochists or optimists if we continue to walk that fine line? How do you know when enough is enough?"


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